The studio is still observing many Covid-19 health and safety measures. Please wear a properly fitting medical style mask to your consultation appointment.

Hopefully you have emailed your artist, first and foremost! Much of the consultation will take place over email, since consultations at the studio are liminted to 30 minutes. Things to include in your email:

-Inspiration ideas/reference images
-A photograph in the mirror of the area you would like tattooed, outlined with a pen
-A closeup of the area if any skin conditions might affect how your tattoo is done
-A description of what you would like, including whether you were hoping for colour, blackwork etc
-The style of tattooing you’d like (including an image of a tattoo your artist did that struck a chord with you is really helpful)

After email discussion, if it’s determined that you should come to the studio for a fitting (this can happen with coverups or larger tattoos that need to fit between other tattoos), your artist will schedule a small block of time to do a tracing of your body part. This will be a SHORT session - no more than 30 minutes. You won’t be able to discuss too much at length, as that was supposed to happen over email previous to your arrival.

No. Please, do not bring your friend or anyone else with you to the studio. There are no +1’s.

Please keep the time in mind. Artists may be working with other clients or have someone booked right after your spot. Please be courteous and arrive on time- not super early or more than 10 minutes late.

A non-refundable cash deposit is taken for any and all tattoo appointments. This may vary between artists, but generally speaking, in order to get a sketch started, you will have to leave a deposit. Depending on the size of your drawing, deposits start at $100. What you leave as a deposit will come off the price of your tattoo at your last/only session, depending on how big your tattoo is. Your deposit is the “insurance” that an artist is not putting work into a drawing that someone is not going to show up for. It happens. It really sucks for us. It’s like showing up for work, sitting around all day, and then being told you won’t be getting paid for your time.

If you are feeling unwell for any reason what so ever, please RESCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT. Now, more than ever, please do not put your artist or others who may be at the studio at risk. Symptoms of Covid-19 include fever/feeling flush, cough, difficulty breathing, sore/scratchy throat, runny nose, loss of taste/smell, upset stomach, diarrhea, feeling tired/unwell.

If you may have been exposed to someone with Covid-19 within the last 7-14 days, please reschedule your consultation.

If you have been tested for Covid-19 and are awaiting results, please reschedule your consultation.

Please take Covid-19 seriously. There are artists and occasional clients who may be immune compromised in the studio. Please care about others.

Apologies in advance, but the studio is on the 2nd floor in a building without an elevator. It may not be handicap-accessible at this location, but artists do sometimes work at other tattoo studios that are.

Location - The studio is on the 2nd floor at 645a Bloor St. W. It is on the south side of the street, the nearest intersection being Euclid - it's about halfway between Christie Station and Bathurst Station (but closer to Christie).

We hope this has helped answer some of the most common questions regarding how consultations will happen at this point in the pandemic. If you have further questions, please send your artist an email! 

*If you are unable to abide by the studio guidelines, please discuss this matter with your artist before arriving. We will do what we can to see what special accommodations we are able to make.